ARDI: Automatic Research of DIvergences between scores


Spot the most singular or particular data with respect to all descriptors and to two qualitative variables and all their possible categories combinations.
Computes the highest differences between all the categories of the variables product, panelist and all their possible combinations, with respect to a set of quantitative variables (the sensory descriptors).


Step 1 For each quantitative variable, means by all the possible combinations (panelist,product) are computed.
Step 2 Then, data are mean centered and scaled to unit variance by descriptor and the divergence corresponds to the absolute value of the entries.
Step 3 Means on divergences are computed by products or by panelists and then sorted.


A list containing the following elements:

tab a data frame (descriptors are mean centered per panelist and scaled to unit variance)
panelist a data frame, by default the 10 highest divergences between panelists according to the sensory descriptors
product a data frame, by default the 10 highest divergences between products according to the sensory descriptors
combination a data frame, by default the 10 highest divergences between panelists and products according to the sensory descriptors