What kind of data as input?

  • You can use two types of data sets as input, even though the different functions of SensoMineR work with more than two types of data sets.

  • The first type of data set could be named the analysis of variance type, i.e. with as many rows as there are of combinations (product, panelist, session). An example of this kind of data set is the chocolates data set.

  • Another kind of data set you may use is when you work with hedonic data (cpa, carto). In that case the data set you will have to use must have the following format: with as many rows as there are products and as many columns as there are consumers. An example of this kind of data set is the data set "hedochoc".

  • The second type of data set could be named the napping type, i.e. one tableclothe per panelist. An example of this kind of data set is the "napping.don" data set.